rue Neuve, 29 / B-7890 Ellezelles

Open hours :

Friday 18:00-21:00
Saturday 12:00-16:00
Sunday 15:00-17:00

Saint-Joseph « Victoria » Julien Cecillon Domain 26,38  €

Generous as the terroir wants it but slender as the Marsanne wants it.

Grapes: Marsanne
Average age of the vines: 45 years / Young vines (7 years)
Floors: granite
Plot size: 0.26ha
Yield: 32hl/ha
Production: 1171 bottles

Generous as the terroir wants it but slender as the Marsanne wants it...

She loves to play with oven-roasted Sunday chickens as grandma does so well, but she also loves the chew of a pretty lobster cooked in the fireplace on which we pour saffron butter. In short, a cuvée to drink and re-drink !!

Please note that it is aging very well.

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